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Monday, October 19, 2020

Married father of 3 wears skirts, heels to work because 'he can' - New York Post

For one dad of three, getting dressed can be a real drag.

Mark Bryan, an American robotics engineer living in Germany, wears towering high heels and skirts every day to prove “clothes have no gender,” he told Bored Panda.

Bryan has shared his style shots on his now-viral Instagram, @MarkBryan911. There, his bio explains further: “I am just a straight, happily married guy,” he wrote to his 62,000 followers, “that loves Porsche’s, beautiful women and incorporating high heels and skirts into my daily wardrobe.”

His daily wardrobe includes red pumps, plaid miniskirts, and seasonally appropriate suede boots, which Bryan paired with a sensible mid-calf beige pencil skirt.

Mark Bryan, a 61-year-old engineer, documents his love of skirts and heels on his Instagram, @MarkBryan911.Instagram

“I prefer skirts to dresses,” said Bryan, 61. “Dresses don’t allow me to mix the genders. I prefer a ‘masculine’ look above the waist and a non-gendered look below the waist.”

When it comes to footwear, Bryan, who also coaches football, prefers heels from the brand Lost Ink. He has pairs of strappy stilettos and open-toed sandals from the company, because they “are great for men as they offer a wide fit in most of their shoes,” according to his Instagram.

Bryan insisted that his sartorial choices are for “non-sexual reasons.” The habit began in college with an old flame — the two would practice dancing together, both in high heels. Then it quickly became normal for him.

Bryan is happily married and has a passion for high heels and skirts.


The engineer says he's straight, but he enjoys breaking gender rules.


He works out several times a week -- and has the gams to prove it.


His style is masculine above the waist but what he calls "non-gendered" below.


He's even been wearing his classy office attire during the pandemic.


Mark Byran documents his many looks on Instagram.


A North Carolina man known as a nice, helpful neighbor...


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The Link Lonk

October 19, 2020 at 08:39PM

Married father of 3 wears skirts, heels to work because 'he can' - New York Post
High Heels

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